Drinks Stout Float with Caramel Sauce Make sure the kids are asleep when you make this because this drink/dessert (dressert, yeah I made that word up) because it’s strictly adults only... March 11, 2015 4.1K
Drinks Peach Eggnog Smoothie Our #eggnoglove is strong this time of the year ! All year round we wait for Harmony Organic’s eggnog and that time has come again.... December 21, 2014 5.7K
Drinks Smashed Berries Spritzer with White Rye and Rhubarb Bitters We visited friends of ours just outside of Toronto and they took us to Dillon’s Small Batch Distillers. Dillon takes local fruit and grain and turn... September 12, 2014 7.1K
Drinks Affogato (Ice Cream or Gelato with Espresso) La povertà è la madre di tutte le arti or for us English folks, we say: necessity is the mother of invention. What does this... August 27, 2014 8.3K
Drinks Raspberry and Apricot Smoothie Every breakfast is pretty much a smoothie breakfast for us! Sadly though, I am a total amateur when it comes to making smoothies. I like... July 21, 2014 7.1K
Drinks Middle Eastern Yogurt Drink (Ayran) Ayran is a very popular drink in Middle Eastern countries like Lebanon or Turkey. In fact, it’s apparently the national drink of Turkey! Each region... July 16, 2014 23.5K