Stout Float with Caramel Sauce

Make sure the kids are asleep when you make this because this drink/dessert (dressert, yeah I made that word up) because it’s strictly adults only...
March 11, 2015
  • 4.1K

Paleo Fried Chicken

My love affair with Pinterest started about three years ago.  My sister in law was getting married and casually mentioned how she found some wedding...
March 8, 2015
  • 5.3K

Lemon Almond Meringues

When I was about seven years old, my aunt fancied the idea of me being a ballerina.  Me + tight clothes + daintiness did not,...
March 4, 2015
  • 5.7K

Healthy Oatmeal Packets to Go

Guys, the weekend is almost over again and it’ll be Monday soon enough! UGH! I am not fond of Mondays.  Definitely not! But here’s the...
March 1, 2015
  • 3K

Mac and Cheese with Bacon

The first time I had Kraft dinner was just a few years ago.  We just never bought it growing up and I was always a...
February 25, 2015
  • 4.2K