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Kimchi Udon with Scallions

We love our noodles! If we’re not eating rice, then we’re definitely eating noodles. There are plenty of noodle options out there – just go...
December 10, 2020
  • 4.8K

mixed beef bone broth

Fall is here and we are so excited! Don’t get us wrong, we love our sunny days and patio weather season just like every other...
October 2, 2016
  • 6.5K

Kale Caesar Quinoa Salad

My brother was on a health kick once and decided he was going to eat more salads.  Well, his choice of salad at that time...
July 15, 2015
  • 4K

Tahini Dressing

So tomorrow is Tuesday and for a lot of us here in the Great White North, it means back to work after a long a...
May 18, 2015
  • 4.2K

Bacon, Leek and Potato Frittata

We’ve been eating a lot more eggs lately being on the Whole30 challenge.  And even though we’ve always had eggs, in one form or another,...
May 6, 2015
  • 9.8K

Wicked Thai Soup

It’s -16C out with a real feel of -27C.  That’s right, twenty seven degrees below zero and winter just started here in Canada.  We can’t...
January 7, 2015
  • 10.7K

Asian Quinoa Salad

I’ve been off of work for the last two weeks now and it’s been the best two weeks I’ve had in a long time. Not...
January 3, 2015
  • 4.5K