Desserts Strawberry and Rhubarb Crumble I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but the truth is summer is almost over. Gah! There, I said it. Don’t shoot me.... September 6, 2015 5.5K
Desserts Tiramisu Tiramisu translates to “pick me up.” Maybe “pick me up” came from the caffeine in the dessert or maybe it’s the fact that it’s a... April 26, 2015 3.7K
Desserts Soft and Chewy Chocolate Chip Cookies I work in a field of law helping people recover from accidents. For me, the word accident is not a good word at all. But... March 15, 2015 6.2K
Desserts Lemon Almond Meringues When I was about seven years old, my aunt fancied the idea of me being a ballerina. Me + tight clothes + daintiness did not,... March 4, 2015 6K
Desserts Gluten Free Coconut Lemon Bars Growing up I was never popular in school, but I had a small group of friends. Now as an adult, I still won’t ever win... February 4, 2015 5.1K
Desserts Avocado Chocolate Mousse Avocados are not just for guacamoles or savoury dishes anymore my friend. Avocados make healthy desserts, did you know that? Growing up, my aunt would... January 25, 2015 4.6K
Desserts Three Layer Raspberry, Pistachio and Brown Sugar Pavlova Recently, we were invited to my friend’s place for dinner and she asked me to bring dessert. She happens to be gluten intolerant. My... October 8, 2014 8.6K
Desserts Mini Blueberry Hand Pies I don’t know about you, but I always get a little sad this time of the year. Perhaps I am being a bit melodramatic, but... September 3, 2014 4.5K
Desserts Strawberry and Blueberry Fruit Salad with Honey, Mint and Brandy Syrup Hosting a dinner party is a bit of a challenge for me. That’s because I usually like to make everything myself – from the appetizers... August 6, 2014 15.9K
Desserts Strawberry Ice Cream with Roasted Strawberries I remember the first time I had strawberries. I was 9 years old and my brother was 7. My mom, brother and I went on... July 23, 2014 7.2K